Winter Home Maintenance
Essential tasks to keep your home safe and functional during the winter months.

-Secure outdoor furniture/ trash cans
-Check for and remove large dead tree branches near structure
-Inspect Electrical connection to structure
-Inspect roof for missing shingles/ replace as necessary
-Inspect siding and flashing/ repair as necessary
-Clean up tree debris
-Ice melt slippery surfaces
-Remove icicles above doorways
-Clear paths after snowfall

Indoor- Kitchen & Bath
-Re-Grout tile
-Tighten cabinet knobs, pulls, and hinges /replace if necessary
-Clear/ Clean / Sanitize drains
Indoor Miscellaneous
-Lubricate door hinges
Indoor Appliances
-Dryer Maintenance (clean lint from inside dryer and from dryer duct)
-Clean Refrigerator Coils
-Replace HVAC Filter
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